Monday, 28 April 2008

Justice Undone

I guess, I might appear very sarcastic and yet at times very emotional. May be I might not sound fair to my past, May be all of you wil think that I am being too harsh on What i have gone through.,

As a person, as a normal person, I have given life the best I could give it. And in return it gave me worst. At times, it did give me a glimmer of hope. Every difficulty that a person faces, be it of any kind, gives rise to hope. And this hope comes with a string attached to it. Every hope leads to a dream, which now depends on the individuality of a person to either fulfill it, or to forfeit it.

I guess, even i have come across these situations. Some which just shook me off my feet and the ground just tore apart. Some just made the entire sky fall down crashing on me, Some even threw nuclear bombs at me. me aint a Superman to fly, or a spider man to escape. I am just a normal human being. And hence, i did what I could. Just wait. Waited patiently, for time to calm the things down. I did give priority for things that needed my primary attention. I know that every one would have done the same. I aint a saddist or a psychopast to cut my veins or burn my wrists for the pain and suffering that I have gone through. Its a trait of a coward to do so,

There have been times when I have asked the one that stays in the clouds, to let me have my share of happiness. I mean, at some point of time, even the most selfless person tends to be selfish. Especially during the testing times of his/her life. And I guess, I am a human too. I asked for the same. That is when i was made to realise that I have enuf frens to clear the burden down.

But somewhere, along the road of my life, there were few stones that were left unturned. These are my primary focus for the rest of the journey ahead. I mean, every situation that brings in difficulties, also teaches some lessons to learn, And I have learnt them. So what If I dint not get the peace of mind at home, so what if i dint find true love, so what if my work life is not letting me have pancakes and is giving me peanuts? So What? There is this tremendous patience in me, which I count on, all the time. I can wait. I can surely wait. For someday, Justice will be done and the weight will be same on both the sides. Until then, until than time wherein there would be a silver lining for the dark clouds hovering over my life now will happen, Until then, it is Justice Undone.

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