Monday 28 April 2008

Cockroaches - They are everywhere!!!

Cockroaches, what a creature they are. Every time, I think about them, I begin to realise the need for their very survival over thousand's of years.

Be it homes, offices, or anywhere else. They are literally everywhere. They have a very unique body. I am not sure who it was, but whoever it was, has placed their name under the right taxonomy. They have a very unique way of survival and very shrewd nature. Very shy, very cowardish and funny nature.

I have seen them so many times, that I have begun to feel that I am living among cockroaches. When I say "I have begun to see them everywhere", I mean that people who exhibit the nature of a cockroach.

Its amazing thing as to the way a human adopts the thinking of an animal. Some attain the courage of an eagle, some attain the patience of a tortaise, some attain the hard working nature of an ant, while some attain the laziness of a snail!! But why a cockroach? There are much better animals wherein a human can learn from and apply the same in their daily lives.

I have been thinking a lot about it over the past week. I have come to a conclusion. Even a human has a feeling to survive under extreme conditions, (not high temperature, or under severe snow fall, neither in deserts nor in rains). These conditions pertain to life. Overcome situations that need them to survive difficult n down times. be it financial insecurities, career growth, personal life, social status, you name it and it is.

I have been working in IBM for last 20 months, and I have seen enough number of cockroaches at work. Some are being like a cockroach for a pay hike, some for incentives, some for promotions, some for even better reasons.. These come in different sizes and shapes. Some are tall, some short, some dark, some fair. Some try not to let you know they are hypocrites, some just make you know they are. They cannot withstand someone else's success, for they are jealous of it. Some cockroaches,like those who want to take others' happiness and try to feel great about it. Some are female, some male.. Wats surprising is the matter of fact that some are neither of these.

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