Two and half decades ago a boy was born. He did not know what he would end up being. He celebrates his birthday today. Many of his friends try to contact him on his birthday to wish him, But as always, he goes into a kind of hibernation on this day. The one day in entire calendar year that he does not like is this day. I tried to talk to him and know how he felt today.
It was difficult to talk to him. Somehow I convinced him to talk to me and share with me few things. There was a very serious expression on his face. He was wanting seclusion from all the things.
I asked "How are you feeling today?"
"Today I turn another year older and have lived another year successfully. Today I step onto another year and another journey with ups and downs. I am 25 years old now. Looking back at my past, I am trying to remember 25 best things that I have done until now. I try to list them. But I cant figure out any " he said.
"But why do you feel like that? "
He replied, "Today I realized that I have around 400 and odd friends. But I do not even have 25 people whom I can completely count on. 25. The number seems so good to hear. But today is the day that i start my true journey of life. All these years I have learnt the rules, learnt the tricks. learnt the pitfalls, and merciless results. Today I have decided to bring them in action. "
I did not know how to respond to that. I let him continue..
"Today when I looked back on my past, one thing that made me happy is the person that I have always been. I never compromised on my principles, on my key performing areas in every possible domain of my life. I realized how difficult it has been in the last 2.5 years. Sometimes what happens in few days or in a day changes the course for the life time and the same has happened to me in the course of last few months."
I said, "That's true. Some incidents or situations bring in changes that will change the momentum and direction of life. "
To which he replied with sternness in his voice "Today I have chosen to be the person I have always wanted to be. And 25 years from now, I will look back to this day and say only one thing. "I lived and did what I chose to be and do."
There was silence. It was the moment when both of us did not want to say anything. I was recollecting all that he said. "Today I have decided t bring them in action", "Today I decide the outcome of my next 25 years".. Those things just continue to echo in my mind.
Breaking the silence, he said "I turn 25 today and my goal just amplified 25 times. "
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