Monday, 28 April 2008

Beginning of the End

Time.. Never could be, never is, and never will be stoppped. Its like sand in one's fist. The more you try to hold it, the more it tries to slip away. If you stop to worry about it being in your hand, it slips anyways. Strange it is though, yet we live. Though changes are inevitable, they still occur. Changes are those moments in the lifetime of TIME..

I was once walking past a garden. It was so colourful, so beautiful,, There were so many trees, shrubs and herbs too.. There was a fountain. A fountain of growth. There were various kind of animals. Some tall, some short. Some thin, some broad. Some used to grumble, some used to be happy in what they got. It were as though the garden was more of a Jungle. Very beautiful from outside, but once you got in, it was never ending.

Sometimes you could hear birds chirping, sometimes you could see butterflies flying and at times, you would see some vultures grumbling on all these happiness. In such a place, some people like me, got tempted and stepped in. They figured out the rules and were trying to know various rituals in the same place. These people adopted the environment. After spending enough time, they started adapting to the environment.. Lets say, it took few months for them to get used to it.

While these few months passed, something was changing.. Though it was noticed but not stressed upon, something was changing..

All those creatures, those animals, those butterflies, that charm in the garden started to reduce. I guess, this was happening because the gardener did not pay enough attention. Far beyond this garden, another gardener and various other gardeners, were sowing seeds for a good harvest. These animals in the garden realised that there were other gardeners who could take care of them in a much better way. And slowly, one by one, they started moving out.

This trend continued for some more months. Those beautiful huge trees, which were bearing so many fruits, started to fade away. Those beautiful shrubs started to shrink. It was as though a curse fell upon the place. The trees that were giving shelter, soon were turning into Oak trees. The shrubs, started to wear out and slowly thorns, dry thorns came into picture. There was greenery, but it was customized only to certain sections of the garden.

As i said, some animals and other creatures in the garden moved out, the people who came in stayed back. They had only one intention. Irrespect to what happens in the garden, they were there to fulfill their purpose. Their very reason to exist. Because, the reason was a value that they could add for all the time they spent in the garden(unfortunately, it no longer was..) They united, though they already were, teir thought somehow had not resonated over a certain period of time. But as you know, whenever there occurs or certain period comes, which might question survival, like minded people unite. Sometimes, even those who are not of the same thinking unite too. Same thing happened here as well. All these people united to fight back, they had a cause. I say, they HAD a cause.

Various things were done. I guess, the world is in such a situation, that honesty never gets its true value. No matter how honest you are, how true you are to yourself, sometimes, rather say most of the times, it is not enough. I am of the kind that believes in giving honesty its very value at every step. Because, at the end of the day, when I look at myself, I should respect myself. So will others. And so were others in the garden who came along with me.

Al these people never changed. Many a turbulent situations came along. Many disturbing moments. Many frustrating situations. But they never deterred. As a matter of fact, they became stronger.

Wait a minute. I guess this began as the story about the garden, But its slowly telling us about the people who survived various tormenting situations. Was this the same garden which once tempted people to get in and be happy in it? Was it the same place that once saw various animals, birds, butterflies, a fountain of growth? Was this the same place which gave shelter and had a good gardener? Why did the garden change so much in such short time? Why did those few people never change and became stronger and are being respected so much?

Well, I guess the answer lies in TIME and the CHANGES it brought in. Only time can tell us what happens to the garden for the changes it is bringing in are vast, abrupt, disastrous. Most importantly, It is bringing in the best out of those few people. This is making them realise of what they are really capable of. Time will only unfold itself. All I can think of, as of now is, WAIT. Just wait. Wait to see the end as we have seen the BEGINNING OF THE END of a wonderful garden.....

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