Sunday, 13 July 2008

I have known....

I have known that carrying a memory for the rest of your life, the good things that came out of the difficulties that have come and gone, serve as a proof of your abilities and will give you confidence when you are faced by other obstacles at a later stage in life..

I have known that the emotional rubbish produced in the factories of mind consists of pain that has long since passed and is no longer useful. It consists of precautions that were important in the past, but that serve no purpose in the present.

I have known everyone of us has a unique way of sowing our actions, fertilising our thoughts and watering our conquests. It is always good to heed to ourselves than doing what others tell us do to. for if we do so, we wont be planting a seed of our choice.

What I would like you to know however is that the memory I carry with me, the precautions that my emotional rubbish in mind makes me take, the seed I planted, have all been and always will be because of you.

There are times when , in saying 'yes' to others, a person is actually saying 'no' to himelf. That is why he never says 'yes'/ with his lips if, in his heart, he is saying 'no'. I have lost the count of times when I was just quite and nodded that I do not love you anymore.. I have lost the count of times when I wanted to tell you so many things but just chose to stay quite..

I know I am not a scholar. I am neither an astrologer nor a prophet to know what is going to happen, Which is why I seek direction and understanding in every incident that happens in my life. I believe in making the journey memorable that will help me in reaching my destination. The scars of wounds, the pain caused by unbearable wounds all play a vital role in ensuring I dont forget how I reached where I had to reach. I remember those days, when I would say I love you to you as much as I can. I now know that I cannot say it. I cannot say it even if it is eating me out from inside. I guess thats the power of suppressing emotions and resenting our feelings.

I have known that every drop of tear shed out, ever scar that the tears made on my trodden face, every night that I stayed awake, every meal I skipped, every thought emotion feeling that I suppressed, will one day be weighed. I am sure about that. But guess what, I am not excited about its value, for I have known that one cannot put a price tag to it.

I have known that time is a one-way street. Things once passed, are bound not to come again. But I also know that some one-way streets also have a U turn. I have now known that every body will get a second chance in life. To relive every moment that they missed out.

I would like to tell you that I have now realized that I unknowingly had begun a wait for it.

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