Monday 21 July 2008

Farmer or Sculptor or a mere Human?

I have often wanted to tel things in a way that would make others think and understand. I was sitting and letting the thoughts in my mind overpower me. This often gives rise to some interesting things. Mostly, very realistic. But sometimes, some tales pop up in my mind and they tend to have some meaning hidden in them. This thought came up, and I began writing.

There was a farmer. He was pretty much occupied in his day to day work. He had a routine to follow, every single day. Not even a day passed with him not doing his work, which he always did. To work on his field, he had to travel through a certain road. Everyday he passed through it, he noticed something new. Somedays he found some new birds chirping, sometimes he found animals.. At times he found interesting plants, Somedays he noticed flowers on some plants. He always wondered what their names were. But he always knew, that there would be someday, when he would come across a thing, that would chage his wish and motive of his survival. To him, going to field to work on crops, was a very routine thing. It was for his living. But for his survival, he had to do something.

Like I have always believed and knew and had a hope for, everyone, at somepoint in time, come across that one thing. be it a person, an animal, or a moment. That will change that person, for that will let him / her realize that their life is just worth more than what they have been thinking and dealing with. Same thing happened with the farmer. One day, when he woke up in the morning, he wished that he would know the reason for his living, He wished. As he was walking past the same road, he noticed a stone. He had never noticied that. he did not know what to call it. I can say it was a rock. But he did not know. So lets just say the same.

On the first day he saw the rock, he did not do anything. He saw it the second day. he did not do anything. He saw it on days to come, He saw it for weeks. He noticed that all those who were passing the same path, never noticed the presence of the rock. He somehow got interested in it. He realized that there was something in him that was telling him to concentrate on that rock. He felt as if there was some sort of magnetic force in that rock that was pulling him towards it.

He decided that he has to do something about it. He had to something so ensure that that rock would get its due respect, eventually ofcourse. He was not a magician, but a simple human being. First day, he cleared some weeds around it. Next day he cleaned out the rock. Slowly, steadily, and daily, for few years, he started spending a quality of his time with that rock. He began sculpting it. He wanted all those who passed across it to respect it. He wanted people to notice it. He knew that the rock for all its existence until then, had not recieved its due respect. He sacricified many opportunities that could have made him the most successful farmer in the country. But he never once changed his mind. He was spending more and more and more time with the rock, for he knew that someday it would surely be noticed.

Well, like the saying goes, eventually everyone will realize the good things around. So did it happen with the rock too. The King saw it. Beautifully sculpted. Marvellous in its beauty. Appaling in this enthralling nature. It carried in it the care, love, tenderness, hostility of a person. It became a personification of a certain being. The king was so happy, he took it and made it known in his country. And then there was news about this sculpture everywhere. People began respecting it so much that it was being glorified. People began appreciating the sculpture. It was finally getting its due respect. All the friends of the farmer began talking about this new sculpture that had become so famous.

He knew it was the one that he had spent the most precious part of his life. He had given all he had to make it. He had literally redifned his purpose in his life and had achieved it too. He knew that no matter what happened, his love for that rock would not reduce anytime. The farmer knew, that it was in best interest for that rock that he did not tell anyone that he had made it. For the rest of his life that he lived, he saw that rock that was now a sculpture from far. He just wished. This time, he wished that the respect for the rock not to die at all.

I do not know what to say about that farmer. Call him a farmer? Call him a loser? Call him a sculptor? Call him a winner? I do not know what to say. But one thing is for sure. I have gone through similar situation and I also know that many people out there have gone through the same. In their daily life, they would sure have come across a job, a treasure, a person, love, money, status and many more. Each would have made the same thing, and then would have seen it go. Some would have been terrified, some would have cried, some would have struggled to get back to life, some would have ignored, some would have made life difficult. But apart from all, some would have sacrificed all their dreams for the happiness of that one thing that they cared the most for.

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