Wednesday 4 June 2008

Question still lingers around..

There have been many instances where I have done everything that I wanted to do, said everything I wanted to say, lived every moments that I wanted to live. Those were the days when I never thought about anything for a second time. Never did I have second thought on them either.

For last 8 n odd months, I have been supressing things that I wanted to say, things I wanted to do, moments I wanted to live, and the extent has reached to such a distance that now when I wish to say do or live them, I just cant.

Back then al those things that I said with no effort now require humungous effort for me to do the same.

In the event of suppressing all, I am slowy mastering the art of expressing the same in silence. I used to worry that probably my silence will never get answered. Fear is exists. But I am waking up the courage in me to let it pass. I am slowly beginning not to worry on it.

Question still lingers around.. Will I be able to express? Only time will tell.

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